How people can connect to you?
- Users can connect to you by installing TheLocalProject App and clicking the connect icon on your stores profile.
- Users can connect to you by texting your KEYWORD to 844-307-3500 or 866-866-7109
Getting users to connect with you.
- Add posters around the store telling people they will get X% off their next purchase for joining. They can then show the cashier the confirmation to get the discount.
- Run a contest for a bigger ticket item, everyone that joins gets an entry into the contest.
- Add a form to your website asking people to subscribe to your messaging service, this is a great way to get people subscribed to both text messaging and email.
- Advertise your text messaging service on your social media accounts frequently.
Strategies for using SMS
- Having a slow day because of weather, send out a text message with a discount to anyone that shops today only.
- Announce upcoming sales – Weekend sale, come in this weekend and save 20% when you show us this message.
- Giveaways: Come see us today only and show this message for a free gift.
- Events: Having a book signing, wine tasting, or other event. Let you customers know the day before the event to drive more foot traffic.
Also see:
- Tips for SMS Marketing Campaign Success
- Tips for Building Your VIP List.
- US Text Messaging Statistics