Business Control Center

2) Configure your Message & SMS settings

The Message & SMS settings control the features of your MobileCONNECT system

  • SMS Keyword
    Choose the keyword you want new subscribers to use to join your VIP Subscriber list.
  • Keyword Auto Message
    Enter the message you want auto-sent to new SMS signups.
  • SMS Relay Number
    The cellphone number where you want inbound messages forwarded.
  • Order Your Dedicated Text Line
    If you are a CONNECTlocal Gold or Platinum member, your membership includes a dedicated text line at no extra charge. You can advertise your dedicated phone number on business cards, your website, Facebook page and other digital and traditional advertising; allowing anyone to send Inbound Text Messages to your business. Messages are received in your BCC Inbox and conveniently forwarded to your or your staff’s mobile phones. Click Here:
  • To Learn More
    Click Here Understanding the SMS Settings