The Campaign Launch Has Been Set
Tuesday February 2nd On Indiegogo
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Things Don’t Just Happen – People Make Them Happen
We are TheLocalProject, a group of passionate people dedicated to changing social connecting. We have committed to building a new social platform that puts People First; above profits, popularity, or anything else. Our platform “CONNECTNow” is nearing completion, and we want to get you involved!
CONNECTNow is a Platform Of, By & For the PEOPLE!
While many lament the “TARGETING of ADS” the “BLOCKING of FREE SPEECH” or HOW THEIR INFORMATION is USED”; most of us don’t know what to do about it.
We Invite You to Stand with Others Just Like You
If you Support User Rights, Believe in Free Speech, and truly desire a social platform that Puts PEOPLE First….take this opportunity to Stand with All of Us who are working to make a difference.
Sign up above for the upcoming Crowdsourcing Campaign.
We are not a political entity, we are committed to building as near a 100% neutral social platform as possible. We do not judge your beliefs, politics, religion or lack thereof, or sexual orientation. Our team includes Native Americans, Blacks, Muslims, Latinos, Whites, conservatives, liberals, independents, a blind member, an amputee, gays; we probably have a little bit of everything.
You will be able to connect or disconnect with the Users you choose. You will be able to join or visit the networks you like. You will be able to say whatever you want to say, be whomever you want to be. We want to censor or stymie NO ONE.
There are essentially five things we will not allow:
- child pornography, pornography, & prostitution;
- human trafficking;
- mental, physical, or social harm to another (this does not include memes, bad jokes, dumb talk or off-comments; it means the deliberate planning or execution of a true threat);
- domestic or international terrorism; and
- cruelty to animals.